I am with Aunt Laura and Uncle John today. Uncle John's family has a Dairy Farm in Northern New York in a town called Lisbon! I met Uncle John's 12 year old cousin, Aaron who is in 6th Grade he showed me around the farm and showed me all of his animals!
The farm is really cool but it is stinky! A dairy farm is a place where they milk cows a few times a day, the milk is put into large bins, and it is carted off very quickly and eventually brought to our stores so we can have fresh milk! Today I learned a little about how it works.
First the cows have to be fed! There is this cool switch that dumps grain into a wheel barrel, then you take the food to the cows!

The Cows are brought in from the field an are tied up to these poles. They can have a drink here while they are being milked.

They use this machine to connect to all the cows, each of those silver things gets attached to the cow's udders! Then the Milk is sucked through the hoses into the big silver container in the end. It wasn't milking time so I didn't get to see the actual milking!

The milk is stored in the big silver container and is picked up from the big milk trucks. From here it's taken away to be pasteurized and put in containers for us to drink!

After we left the big barn, Aaron showed us all the other animals at the farm! They have lots of baby cows that will grow up to milk, but right now they just get to hang out in the small farm.
This baby tried to bite my head!! Her name is Sally. The cow tongue felt really funny, and it was REALLY long but I couldn't get a picture of it.

Aaron brought out his special chickens for us to see, this was the biggest and the funniest chicken I've seen!

Aaron collects eggs and sells them. He's only 12 and has a business!

This was a big sheep, he kept chewing on my arm!

They have these REALLY BIG horses called Belgian Horses. - Look Claire's eating my hand too! Everyone on the farm is licking or eating my hands or feet!

Aaron's sisters have these miniature horses, there are four of them and they were really cute! Their names are Nikki, Patty, Hotrod, & Reba.

Look, another animal chewing on my foot! (this one is Patty)

Thank you Aaron for giving us an awesome tour of the Armell Acres Farm!