Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Uncle John's sister CARLIE lives in Alaska! I arrived in Alaska just in time to go on a little outing with Carlie and her Parents! Her Parents are ALSO visiting from Massachusetts. It seems like everyone is traveling!

Everything in Alaska is BIG! Carlie's Dad told me how big the Mosquito's are in the summer, boy I'm glad I'm here when its still snowing! The first place we visited is "HATCHERS PASS" - its high in the mountains and was carved by a glacier! Back in the 1900's this place was famous for GOLD mining!

We went to another park called "Independence Mine State Park" this was also GOLD MINE. I kept looking for gold but all I saw was snow!

There's so much snow up here! There are lots of signs talking about Avalanches! An avalanche is a HUGE mountain of snow that can just come tumbling down!
Here I am, in a small avalanche!

Thank you Carlie for showing me Alaska!!!!

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