Monday, May 17, 2010

Special People around Boston

We stopped at the John F Kennedy Memorial Library on the way to Boston. We didn't go all the way in, but we did take a quick picture. JFK was a really popular president from Massachusetts, he was president about the time that your parents were your age or younger! He also helped the United States go to the MOON for the first time!
This is a statue of Sam Adams, He is a special founding father, who signed the Declaration of Independence.

This is a statue of Ben Franklin! He was another Founding Father, and also a very famous inventor. He was the United States' very first Post Master General for the Post office and he helped get everyone's mail from to other places much faster. Before him, we just used the PONY EXPRESS. Without his help from way back, I would not get to go to all these great places so fast. Thank you Mr. Franklin!

Ben Franklin also attended the first school house that was on the very same grounds as this statue!
OK, this last thing isn't a famous person, its a Donkey. Aunt Laura told me it meant "Democrat" - I'm not really sure what that means, but Gemini really looks big next to a Donkey!

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